hi there! the name's andy

i'm a passionate software engineer, competitive programmer, and lifelong learner.

i began programming in 2019 and have been deeply immersed in it ever since.

i'm a full-stack engineer, currently working for , crafting customer experiences through shipping quality software.

for my socials.

some fun facts

i'm a competitive programmer!

i solve & create leetcode-type of problems as a hobby.

PenikmatSenja - gemastik final

penikmatsenja @gemastik 2022 finals

during my undergraduate years, i had the opportunity to compete in some prestigious contests like icpc asia-jakarta regionals, arkavidia, gemastik, and scpc finals.

throughout my competitive programming journey, i've authored over 100+ problems! and i plan to index it here.

a quote i live by:

you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. so you have to trust the dots will somehow connect in your future.

~ steve jobs

barelang bridge in batam
barelang bridge, batam

i was born and spent the first ~18years of my life in batam🌉.

my full name is butrahandisya.

throughout my life, i've gone by three different nicknames. can you guess what they are?🧘‍♂️

i use the qwerty keyboard layout, and i'm a touch typist!

on monkeytype , my average typing speed is ~129wpm⌨️.

is my favorite number.

it is a prime number, and it looks cool!


see if you can get the number below into my favorite number!



998244353 = 2^23 x 7 x 17 + 1

i'm an avid gamer!

on steam alone, i've devoted over a whopping 3000+ hours of my life playing games💀.

currently, my top 4 games (in no particular order) are:

i practice stoicism.

(or atleast i try to!)

i like the idea of being a language-agnostic programmer, and that's exactly what i'm striving for.

that said, here are the technologies i’m currently most comfortable working with:

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i took two references when creating my online handle abcqwq.

  1. back then, i was an osu!mania player and a fan of abcdullah
  2. qwq is an emoticon

pronouncing abcqwq verbatim can be annoying. you can just omit the qwq part though!

my 2025 bingo card
reach ≥ 1700 rating on cf 📈
a small step to the purple color.
touch some more grass 🌱
this could be the hardest task 😬
finish up ≥ 2 games 🎮
there's plenty in my steam backlog 😩
get better at speaking english 💬
hopeful for this one 🤞🏻
write ≥ 7 blogs ✍🏻
2025 will be the year of writing!
make it a joy to use vim 😭
plz make it happen 🙏🏻
exercise 2x a week 🤸
for ≥ 40% of total weeks in 2025
travel to a new place 🏕️
looking for a new experience 🧘🏻!
finish up ≥ 1 side-project 🧑🏻‍💻
it has to be full-fledged.

p.s. hover/tap the card to read more details on each one!

there's never been a better time to build.

~ someone out there (perhaps)

© 2025 abcqwq. all rights reserved.